“Santa: A story of diversity” is a Christmas campaign that brings the story of Ubirajara, the first black man to take the role of mall Santa in Brazil. This project hits home for us because we highly value diversity and ethics, and believe that representation of people of color is vastly important, especially when it comes to such a known and loved character as Santa Claus, so we made an effort to convey a positive message of affection and acceptance.
O Boticário
Santa Claus: A Story of Diversity
For this project, we worked with motion graphics to apply several collage techniques, and used a lot of different pictures and elements to carry an overtone of diversity. In the year of 2020, the “new normal” deprived us from sharing important moments with people we love, and we took this opportunity to review our standards.
Client: O Boticário
Produced by: Paranoid
Animation Production: Hilda Motion
Director: Jessica Queiroz
Still Photographer: Lucas Raion
Post production coordenator: Carol Fernandes
Producer: Mayara Nogueira
Animation Director: Baboo Matsusaki
Art e Motion Director: Thais Macedo
Motion Graphics: Carina Oliveira
Animation Assistant: Natalia Penque
Producer: Letícia Melo